


My name is Keller Billstrom. I love music, running, reading, and 3D printing/design. Personally, I think what I do is pretty interesting so I want to share my passions with anyone who wants to read about them! I intend to accomplish that goal through the following formats:

3D Prints: When I design something I think others might benefit from, I'll upload photos and files. That could be anything from a fun little toy to a more functional gadget. Since this work does take a fair amount of time, I will charge a couple bucks for digital downloads. If you don't have a 3D printer or don't wish to print your own versions, I hope you still enjoy the posts!

Album Reviews: These will come in a variety of styles depending on the album and what I think about it. That could be an informal review in a conversational tone, something a bit more formal that you might expect to from a larger publication, an essay type deep dive, or just whatever fits best!

Book Reviews: My book reviews  are very casual. I want them to feel like recommendations from a friend, so they focus on what I liked, some things I wasn't a huge fan of, and any passing thoughts I have. Typically, I stick to the fantasy & sci-fi genres, but I do like to mix it up every now and then.

Playlists: Sharing and connecting over music is one of my favorite things in the world! Something I hear pretty often is, "I've been listening to a lot of the same stuff and want something new, but don't know where to start." I plan to fix that problem with a series of playlists called 7 For 7. Every week, I'll create a 7 song playlist for the next 7 days. The goal is to fill them with a wide variety of music and help you discover your new favorite artist. I'll also do more focused playlists, but those will be less regular.

Running: My running posts will be a lot more free form. There's already a lot of running content on the internet so I don't intend this to be my main focus. However, it does take up a lot of my time so I'd feel remiss to not include it here. I plan to do keep some goal trackers, current PRs, and race reports, but I'll certainly adjust the formats as I see fit.

I hope you enjoy the content and thanks so much for reading!